Thursday 12 December 2013

Feet Final Piece

this is a picture of my final piece in its photo frame. the background for all 3 of the photos are the same although they have been edited differently for each of the photographs. The top photo is a picture of a child feet and the picture of the leaves in the background are saturated. the middle photo is the picture of the teenagers feet the background that photo

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Feet Experimentation pin hole camera

one of my main types of experimentation i did for my exam was a pin hole camera but unfortunately when i developed the photos from this camera they had all been exposed to light so they were unusable so i plan to keep using my digital camera for my final piece rather that using an analog one. The image to the left shows me building my pin hole camera.

Contact sheet

these are all the photos that i have currently taken for my feet final idea these are mostly full of photos of my 2 main ideas "aging of feet" and "shoe identity" and not all of these photos will be used i am planning to use only 3 for my final piece

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Feet Final Idea Photos

This is a photo of a young childs feet this photo is in the normal setting the reason i have this photo is because of my "aging of feet" idea this will be my child's feet photo i am still planning to get a teenagers and feet and an adults either a old persons or a babies feet. i am currently undecided on whether to have this photo in full colour, black and white or in sepia if i do decide to change the way the image is displayed i will have to keep that as a common theme through out my photos.

This is the first picture for my "shoe identity" idea in this photo there are 3 shoes and they are : a formal shoe, a sandal and a trainer. these 3 shoes all give off different messages for example the formal shoe gives of a very formal feel as well as a feeling of order while the sandal gives of a more relaxed feeling while the trainer gives of a more energetic feel and a feeling of freedom. these shoes all juxtapose each other as they are all contrasting opposites of each other. I have also taken another photo with the exact same shoes in the same position the only thing that is different is the lighting.

This is the second photo of my "shoe identity" idea as you can see it is essentially the same as the other photo the only difference is that in this photo I have introduced more artificial light. I did this because i felt that the previous photo didn't have enough light in and i can now see that thanks to extra light introduces the colours seem more crisp and vibrant. I prefer this photo to the other one.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Final piece ideas

i have recently had some ideas about what my final piece could possibly be about the first idea i have had is to take 4 different photos of feet the first is of would be a young child feet then a teenagers feet then an adults and finally a old persons feet this is to show how the human body, specifically the feet, age with time in future blog refrences i will call this my "aging of feet" idea.

Another idea i have had is to instead of taking photos of actual feet that i could take photos of foot prints for example i could take a photo of a trail of footprints made in the ground i was thinking with this i could use soil this is because i was originally going to use sand as that is the typical ground used in these types of photos but as i  have no sand at hand i feel that soil can also do the job to the same effect.

Another idea i have recently had was that i could take a picture of a group of shoes with each meaning a different thing for example i could have a child's trainer that would symbolize youth and freedom when a middle aged posh shoe would symbolize order and peace when a soldiers boot would symbolize war and death in future i will reefer this on my blog as my "shoe identity" idea this is because in my opinion you can tell what type of person someone is by the type of shoes they were.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Sayings about feet

Getting cold feet:
This is the most well used saying about feet it means that you are worried about a change and that you back out it is usually used in when describing a man running away from there wedding. I don't really think there is a way that i can fit this saying into my final piece.

Standing on you own two feet:
This saying simply means that you are independent and don't rely on anyone else there are many ways which i can adopt this for m final piece for example i could have a successful business man walking down a street and have everything apart from him in black and white to show that he is one of a kind and independent.

Dancing with 2 left feet:
This is simply a saying that means that someone cant dance i can use this in many ways such as a photo of a man or a woman dancing badly of even a picture of 2 left shoes.

Off to the right foot:
This saying just simply means that what ever you are doing is the first step to achieving your goal i can only think of is by having a picture of someone's foot with there left foot ahead of there right

Carbon Footprint:
this is a phrase that means what we are leaving behind in the environment i plan to further this phrase into my final piece 

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Examples Of Feet In Culture

While studying feet in both fine art and photography i have noticed that feet also play an important role in most cultures.

This is a picture of a foot binding shoe. Foot binding is a technique used in china it commonly involves women wearing these shoes this stops there feet from growing any further but it can also cause there feet to be disfigured. this method started in china in the late 19th century and soon became a mark of beauty and even became and important right of passage in finding a husband. But in 1874 women started to protest and ended the practice due to the large amount of women unable to walk due to there feet disfigurement.

This is a diagram that demonstrates the theory that your feet can tell where you originate from there is some scientific evidence to back up this idea and i think that if this is true then it is a nice reassuring thing to know where your family background originated from. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Examples of feet used is photography

Examples of feet used in art

This is a video i have found about an artist who uses feet to paint

this is a link to a site of an artist called Jen Rowlands who primarily paints shoes and other feet related art work.

This is a picture i have found of a homeless mans feet it was hand drawn and i got this picture from

This is a picture of feet, it was drawn by Thomas H. Maguire it is unclear f these feet are based on an actual person or if he is jut drawing a generic foot from memory.

Monday 11 November 2013

Preparation for Mock coursework

The theme that i have chosen to do for my mock course work is feet so i will now be exploring the different uses of feet not only in photography but in art as well.

Changing colour

This is a picture of the image before editing i decided to choose this photo as it looks very attractive so therefore i felt that i should try to make this photo more attractive and eye catching if possible.

This is the image after all editing has been finished. To edit this photo i increased the colour balance so everything seemed more red i then returned the path back to its original colour i did this as red made all of my image seem very attractive and eye catching but i felt that the path looked better how it was originally so i decided to return it back to its original colour. Overall my goal in this was to try and make the image more attractive and in my own opinion i think the image is more attractive and defiantly eye catching this is because in my picture not only does it show nature but as i increased the red colour balance it makes the images seem more warmer. 

Thursday 7 November 2013

texture and space photography

In this photo it shows examples of both texture and space i took this photo in my local town. It help shows texture as you can see the detail in the road so therefore you can see the texture of the floor. This photo also shows space this is because the cars in the photo look further away that they actually are so it gives the photo the illusion that there is plenty of space when there is actually less

In this photo the main thing that is very clear is the texture of the shapes on the tile. This is due to the crispness of the photo so therefore you can see the different textures in the patterns also if you look closely you can also see the texture in the bricks surrounding the tile.

This is a Photo i took myself it was taken in my local town this picture helps demonstrate space this is because in this picture the road is completely empty so this makes it look like there is plenty of space when in actual fact there isn't really that vast amount of space. I think people will find this picture appealing as it is a very simple picture that shows the stereotypical street in the UK. 

Thursday 24 October 2013

Selective Editing Photography

This is a picture of a flower i have selectively edited i decided to make the entire picture in black and white and to return the flower head back to its original colour. This is because i feel it makes the photo more attractive to the eye also it will intrigue the audience into wondering how it was created.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Shutter Speed Photography

This is a picture i took of shutter speed it was taken at night on a bridge above moving traffic. In the image you can see that there was currently only moving traffic on the right hand side. Using shutter speed on an image like this with moving cars in it removes the cars from the image and instead you just see a trail of white lights created by the front lights of the cars. I have another photo of traffic on the other side of the road i plan to use photoshop to combine these pictures.

This is a picture i took of shutter speed it was taken at night on a bridge above moving traffic. In the image you can see that there was currently only moving traffic on the left hand side. Using shutter speed on an image like this with moving cars in it removes the cars from the image and instead you just see there trail of red lights created by the cars rear lights.  I have another photo of traffic on the other side of the road i plan to use photoshop to combine these pictures.

This is a shutter speed photograph that i took myself. This photo is actually 2  photos that i edited together. I felt the 2 picture would be more appealing together rather than separate this is because the 2 pictures had one lane of traffic but on opposite sides of the road so i though i should take the opportunity and edit them together 

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Colour Photography

This is the picture before i decreased the saturation it is a picture of a flower that i took at shrewsbury flower show. I decided to choose this picture because it is a colourful picture this is helpful because it helps when you are comparing the difference between the picture with colour and the picture without colour.

This is the image after i have saturated the colour out of it i think it makes the image look more appealing this is because it brings out the small features of the flower such as the hair on the flower also the colour differentiation is clear on the black and white picture but you cant see the colour.  

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Still Life Photography

This is an example of still Life photography i took this image myself The purpose of having a Still Life photography is that you cant really tell if the image is a photograph or a painting most people including me find this type of photography very appealing. This is mainly due to the fact that most people are interested 

Monday 7 October 2013

Aperture Professional Photograph

This is a picture of a lady bug on a twig it was taken by a professional photographer called Russ Burden. The center piece of this picture is the ladybird. The background of the photograph makes the photo seem more natural this is because it is a leaf so it makes the ladybird seem like it is in its natural setting. In this image you can see how the ladybird looks completely different in light than it does in dark you can see this because of the shadow of the man that is taking the photo covers the ladybird slightly.

This is a picture of a bird flying it was taken by a professional photographer called Another Eve. The background of the picture changes the entire picture as it is green we can presume it is a wild bird rather than a tame one that makes the photograph even more special as it tells us that this photographer managed to capture a bird i mid flight which even for a professional is hard to do. 

Aperture Photographs

This is a picture of a flower that i took at the shrewsbury flower show. The center piece of this photograph is obviously the flower. The aim of this photograph is to show the beauty of flowers to the viewer. The detail on this photograph is high we know this because you can even see the hair on the stem of the plant. 

This is a picture of a flower that i took at the shrewsbury flower show. The center piece of this photograph is obviously the flower. The aim of this photograph is to show the beauty of flowers to the viewer. The light shows all the detail of the plant including all the small veins 

Shape Photographs

This is a picture of a wall in wem i took this picture myself. the square shape holes in the wall all come together to create a pattern that is both original and attractive. the light hits the bricks and cement and showing the detail in them. In this picture the bricks can also be seen as a frame for many other smaller images.

This is a picture of a decorative feature on a window i took this photo myself. In the photograph the center point is quite obviously the shield, if you look at it you will see that as the light passes it changes colour so what ever object is on. The 2 rectangles and the makes up a shield shape on the window this gives the picture a noble theme.

This is a picture of a decorative tile in my home town. I took this photo myself. The purpose of this image is to show the viewer the fantastic shapes on the decorative tile. The design of the tile is unique as the tile is made up of loads of smaller pieces of tiles this has been done so the tile would have its own unique form and shape.

line professional photography

This is a picture of a desert it was taken by a professional photographer called Russ Burden the hills on the desert give it the illusion that the lines are not straight when in reality they are. In this picture it inst really clear what the center piece it could be argued that the sand is the center piece or it could be argued that the mountains could be the center piece but in my opinion the sand is the center piece as it is the most clearest out of the two. 

This is a picture of a deserted train track it was taken by a professional photographer called Arnold Matusz. The center piece of this photograph is the train tracks. The angle that the picture was taken from makes the train tracks look never ending as they go off into the distance. The saturation of the image makes the image look old fashion and intrigues the viewer.

Line Photographs

I took this picture myself it was taken at my local library. This photo demonstrates lines it is of a window outside the library. I took the picture from a downwards angle I did this because I think in my opinion it makes the picture more aesthetically pleasing also the repetition of the glass tiles
make the whole window seem much larger than it actually is.
I took this picture myself it was taken by my local church. The centre piece of this image is the bench and the lines on the bench give the illusion that the bench is really long when in actuality. The light shows all the details and rough texture of the bench.

shape professional photography

This is a photo demonstrating shape it was taken by a professional called Tomb Land. This photo was taken froma vantage point and the dome creates the illusion of a heart shape on the wall. The photogher has taken a direct approach to his subject which gives it a realitic tone and the fact that there is a person in shot shows that the photographer wants a realistic atmosphere in the picture.
This is another photo that demonstrates professionals using shape in there photography. This photo was taken by a professional called Another Eve. In this picture she has focused on the outline of the heart shape in the clouds in order to get this picture to have the exact outline of the heart shape in the cloud. The cloud in the middle of the photograph is the centre piece they have chosen this to be the centre piece as it is the most intriguing cloud in the picture