Wednesday 20 November 2013

Examples Of Feet In Culture

While studying feet in both fine art and photography i have noticed that feet also play an important role in most cultures.

This is a picture of a foot binding shoe. Foot binding is a technique used in china it commonly involves women wearing these shoes this stops there feet from growing any further but it can also cause there feet to be disfigured. this method started in china in the late 19th century and soon became a mark of beauty and even became and important right of passage in finding a husband. But in 1874 women started to protest and ended the practice due to the large amount of women unable to walk due to there feet disfigurement.

This is a diagram that demonstrates the theory that your feet can tell where you originate from there is some scientific evidence to back up this idea and i think that if this is true then it is a nice reassuring thing to know where your family background originated from. 

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