Wednesday 27 November 2013

Final piece ideas

i have recently had some ideas about what my final piece could possibly be about the first idea i have had is to take 4 different photos of feet the first is of would be a young child feet then a teenagers feet then an adults and finally a old persons feet this is to show how the human body, specifically the feet, age with time in future blog refrences i will call this my "aging of feet" idea.

Another idea i have had is to instead of taking photos of actual feet that i could take photos of foot prints for example i could take a photo of a trail of footprints made in the ground i was thinking with this i could use soil this is because i was originally going to use sand as that is the typical ground used in these types of photos but as i  have no sand at hand i feel that soil can also do the job to the same effect.

Another idea i have recently had was that i could take a picture of a group of shoes with each meaning a different thing for example i could have a child's trainer that would symbolize youth and freedom when a middle aged posh shoe would symbolize order and peace when a soldiers boot would symbolize war and death in future i will reefer this on my blog as my "shoe identity" idea this is because in my opinion you can tell what type of person someone is by the type of shoes they were.

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