Monday 7 October 2013

Aperture Professional Photograph

This is a picture of a lady bug on a twig it was taken by a professional photographer called Russ Burden. The center piece of this picture is the ladybird. The background of the photograph makes the photo seem more natural this is because it is a leaf so it makes the ladybird seem like it is in its natural setting. In this image you can see how the ladybird looks completely different in light than it does in dark you can see this because of the shadow of the man that is taking the photo covers the ladybird slightly.

This is a picture of a bird flying it was taken by a professional photographer called Another Eve. The background of the picture changes the entire picture as it is green we can presume it is a wild bird rather than a tame one that makes the photograph even more special as it tells us that this photographer managed to capture a bird i mid flight which even for a professional is hard to do. 

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