Wednesday 27 November 2013

Final piece ideas

i have recently had some ideas about what my final piece could possibly be about the first idea i have had is to take 4 different photos of feet the first is of would be a young child feet then a teenagers feet then an adults and finally a old persons feet this is to show how the human body, specifically the feet, age with time in future blog refrences i will call this my "aging of feet" idea.

Another idea i have had is to instead of taking photos of actual feet that i could take photos of foot prints for example i could take a photo of a trail of footprints made in the ground i was thinking with this i could use soil this is because i was originally going to use sand as that is the typical ground used in these types of photos but as i  have no sand at hand i feel that soil can also do the job to the same effect.

Another idea i have recently had was that i could take a picture of a group of shoes with each meaning a different thing for example i could have a child's trainer that would symbolize youth and freedom when a middle aged posh shoe would symbolize order and peace when a soldiers boot would symbolize war and death in future i will reefer this on my blog as my "shoe identity" idea this is because in my opinion you can tell what type of person someone is by the type of shoes they were.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Sayings about feet

Getting cold feet:
This is the most well used saying about feet it means that you are worried about a change and that you back out it is usually used in when describing a man running away from there wedding. I don't really think there is a way that i can fit this saying into my final piece.

Standing on you own two feet:
This saying simply means that you are independent and don't rely on anyone else there are many ways which i can adopt this for m final piece for example i could have a successful business man walking down a street and have everything apart from him in black and white to show that he is one of a kind and independent.

Dancing with 2 left feet:
This is simply a saying that means that someone cant dance i can use this in many ways such as a photo of a man or a woman dancing badly of even a picture of 2 left shoes.

Off to the right foot:
This saying just simply means that what ever you are doing is the first step to achieving your goal i can only think of is by having a picture of someone's foot with there left foot ahead of there right

Carbon Footprint:
this is a phrase that means what we are leaving behind in the environment i plan to further this phrase into my final piece 

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Examples Of Feet In Culture

While studying feet in both fine art and photography i have noticed that feet also play an important role in most cultures.

This is a picture of a foot binding shoe. Foot binding is a technique used in china it commonly involves women wearing these shoes this stops there feet from growing any further but it can also cause there feet to be disfigured. this method started in china in the late 19th century and soon became a mark of beauty and even became and important right of passage in finding a husband. But in 1874 women started to protest and ended the practice due to the large amount of women unable to walk due to there feet disfigurement.

This is a diagram that demonstrates the theory that your feet can tell where you originate from there is some scientific evidence to back up this idea and i think that if this is true then it is a nice reassuring thing to know where your family background originated from. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Examples of feet used is photography

Examples of feet used in art

This is a video i have found about an artist who uses feet to paint

this is a link to a site of an artist called Jen Rowlands who primarily paints shoes and other feet related art work.

This is a picture i have found of a homeless mans feet it was hand drawn and i got this picture from

This is a picture of feet, it was drawn by Thomas H. Maguire it is unclear f these feet are based on an actual person or if he is jut drawing a generic foot from memory.

Monday 11 November 2013

Preparation for Mock coursework

The theme that i have chosen to do for my mock course work is feet so i will now be exploring the different uses of feet not only in photography but in art as well.

Changing colour

This is a picture of the image before editing i decided to choose this photo as it looks very attractive so therefore i felt that i should try to make this photo more attractive and eye catching if possible.

This is the image after all editing has been finished. To edit this photo i increased the colour balance so everything seemed more red i then returned the path back to its original colour i did this as red made all of my image seem very attractive and eye catching but i felt that the path looked better how it was originally so i decided to return it back to its original colour. Overall my goal in this was to try and make the image more attractive and in my own opinion i think the image is more attractive and defiantly eye catching this is because in my picture not only does it show nature but as i increased the red colour balance it makes the images seem more warmer. 

Thursday 7 November 2013

texture and space photography

In this photo it shows examples of both texture and space i took this photo in my local town. It help shows texture as you can see the detail in the road so therefore you can see the texture of the floor. This photo also shows space this is because the cars in the photo look further away that they actually are so it gives the photo the illusion that there is plenty of space when there is actually less

In this photo the main thing that is very clear is the texture of the shapes on the tile. This is due to the crispness of the photo so therefore you can see the different textures in the patterns also if you look closely you can also see the texture in the bricks surrounding the tile.

This is a Photo i took myself it was taken in my local town this picture helps demonstrate space this is because in this picture the road is completely empty so this makes it look like there is plenty of space when in actual fact there isn't really that vast amount of space. I think people will find this picture appealing as it is a very simple picture that shows the stereotypical street in the UK.