Thursday 23 January 2014

final piece edited

after looking at my final piece i felt that i could still improve them greatly. I decided to stick with the idea of having feet from different aged people i have also decided to improve all 3 of my photos. my first one of the young feet i decided to change the background from leaves to grass to show just like the grass this person is young and full of life and has his whole life ahead of him i also edited his toes to have leaves in them this is to represent the fact like the leaves he is starting to age and he cant stop this.

This is a picture of a teenagers feet i decided to keep the leaves as the background as it helps show that this person is old just like the leaves i decided to edit grass into this persons toe nails as it shows that although he is older and has matured there is still a little kid inside of him.

This is a photo of a feet as an adult the leaves in the background are there to represent the age of the person and as you can see there are no leaves in this persons photo at all this is to represent that now they are an adult that the child inside of them is gone.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Feet Final Piece

this is a picture of my final piece in its photo frame. the background for all 3 of the photos are the same although they have been edited differently for each of the photographs. The top photo is a picture of a child feet and the picture of the leaves in the background are saturated. the middle photo is the picture of the teenagers feet the background that photo

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Feet Experimentation pin hole camera

one of my main types of experimentation i did for my exam was a pin hole camera but unfortunately when i developed the photos from this camera they had all been exposed to light so they were unusable so i plan to keep using my digital camera for my final piece rather that using an analog one. The image to the left shows me building my pin hole camera.

Contact sheet

these are all the photos that i have currently taken for my feet final idea these are mostly full of photos of my 2 main ideas "aging of feet" and "shoe identity" and not all of these photos will be used i am planning to use only 3 for my final piece

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Feet Final Idea Photos

This is a photo of a young childs feet this photo is in the normal setting the reason i have this photo is because of my "aging of feet" idea this will be my child's feet photo i am still planning to get a teenagers and feet and an adults either a old persons or a babies feet. i am currently undecided on whether to have this photo in full colour, black and white or in sepia if i do decide to change the way the image is displayed i will have to keep that as a common theme through out my photos.

This is the first picture for my "shoe identity" idea in this photo there are 3 shoes and they are : a formal shoe, a sandal and a trainer. these 3 shoes all give off different messages for example the formal shoe gives of a very formal feel as well as a feeling of order while the sandal gives of a more relaxed feeling while the trainer gives of a more energetic feel and a feeling of freedom. these shoes all juxtapose each other as they are all contrasting opposites of each other. I have also taken another photo with the exact same shoes in the same position the only thing that is different is the lighting.

This is the second photo of my "shoe identity" idea as you can see it is essentially the same as the other photo the only difference is that in this photo I have introduced more artificial light. I did this because i felt that the previous photo didn't have enough light in and i can now see that thanks to extra light introduces the colours seem more crisp and vibrant. I prefer this photo to the other one.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Final piece ideas

i have recently had some ideas about what my final piece could possibly be about the first idea i have had is to take 4 different photos of feet the first is of would be a young child feet then a teenagers feet then an adults and finally a old persons feet this is to show how the human body, specifically the feet, age with time in future blog refrences i will call this my "aging of feet" idea.

Another idea i have had is to instead of taking photos of actual feet that i could take photos of foot prints for example i could take a photo of a trail of footprints made in the ground i was thinking with this i could use soil this is because i was originally going to use sand as that is the typical ground used in these types of photos but as i  have no sand at hand i feel that soil can also do the job to the same effect.

Another idea i have recently had was that i could take a picture of a group of shoes with each meaning a different thing for example i could have a child's trainer that would symbolize youth and freedom when a middle aged posh shoe would symbolize order and peace when a soldiers boot would symbolize war and death in future i will reefer this on my blog as my "shoe identity" idea this is because in my opinion you can tell what type of person someone is by the type of shoes they were.