Thursday 23 January 2014

final piece edited

after looking at my final piece i felt that i could still improve them greatly. I decided to stick with the idea of having feet from different aged people i have also decided to improve all 3 of my photos. my first one of the young feet i decided to change the background from leaves to grass to show just like the grass this person is young and full of life and has his whole life ahead of him i also edited his toes to have leaves in them this is to represent the fact like the leaves he is starting to age and he cant stop this.

This is a picture of a teenagers feet i decided to keep the leaves as the background as it helps show that this person is old just like the leaves i decided to edit grass into this persons toe nails as it shows that although he is older and has matured there is still a little kid inside of him.

This is a photo of a feet as an adult the leaves in the background are there to represent the age of the person and as you can see there are no leaves in this persons photo at all this is to represent that now they are an adult that the child inside of them is gone.